Entertainment Weekly says - Set in the saloons of Dodge City in 1878
before the shoot-out at the O.K. Corral, this murder mystery paints Doc Holiday
as a tragic hero and gambler, bringing one of the state’s most legendary events
and personages to life.
I have to say, I had heard of this book, was told about this
book, but never read the book. Until now. The synopsis was intriguing yet kept an
air of mystery. I was even more intrigued and excited to read this book after
finding out it was based off of a true story. I love a good non-fiction read,
and this did not disappoint. Set in western Texas during the frontier, Doc
Holliday makes his name known through gambling with his co-conspirators. Then,
there’s a twist among all the other twists in the story…a murder. Or was it a
I loved the thick plot, the western touch, the “old days”
feel, the relationships…especially with Doc’s “special” on again-off again
friend. I found this story very interesting and it did captivate my attention.
I was worried it wouldn’t because I am not a fan of a lot of westerns, I am a
but picky in that area. But all in all, it was really good and I would
definitely recommend this story.
Hosted by Laura at 125pages.com
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