Unto The Hills : Devotional by Billy Graham Review
I was more than happy to review this devotional book by Billy Graham. I have been a fan of his for years, I grew up listening to his teachings. And when I saw the opportunity to review it I had to grab it! I was not let down. I could not put this book down. I was completely drawn in. This book is so good and so helpful to the everyday life. Also I was so glad he did one of the daily readings on the importance of prayer; January 7th's. That would have to be one of my favorites, and at the top.Because so many people say, "all you can do is pray." Like that is so small and so little. When in actuality that is a lot! Praying opens doors. So many of the daily devotions, if not all, are current to how we live today. Plus, at the end of each devotion, there is a small prayer as well which I loved.
I was going to list a few favorites but I would end up naming 1-365! So I gave you one of the days that stuck out the most. I highly recommend this devotional book, to anybody and everybody. I am so glad I ended the year with this and now I am reading it again for the new year!
I received my copy of this book from booksneeze.com
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