I received this prayer in my inbox and thought you readers might enjoy it. As we all know we all have issues and insecurities about our bodies:
Owning It
Every curve and corner,
every breath and impulse,
it's all mine.
And with the courage
You've instilled in me,
I finally hold it in my hands,
I stand firm and own it.
Please help me keep this grasp.
Keep me wise and reverent,
and keep me mindful that
this set of precocious hips
is no less than a gift of Yours.
A gift to be honored,
a gift to be adored,
a gift belonging only
to the woman You gave it to.
- Abigail Wurdeman
Owning It
Every curve and corner,
every breath and impulse,
it's all mine.
And with the courage

You've instilled in me,
I finally hold it in my hands,
I stand firm and own it.
Please help me keep this grasp.
Keep me wise and reverent,
and keep me mindful that
this set of precocious hips
is no less than a gift of Yours.
A gift to be honored,
a gift to be adored,
a gift belonging only
to the woman You gave it to.
- Abigail Wurdeman
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