“William, what happens next? Is this it?
We’re here forever, huh?”
“No, this is only the beginning, Stokes.
Our affliction will get much worse. For an eternity we-”
Loud screeching, screams suddenly
interrupted William. Tajalik and the others, held their hands over their ears
to block out the sounds that became intolerable. The noise only added to the
burden of the souls. All of the afflicted began to run. Tajalik saw William
turn and sprint, followed by the countless others that ran from the sounds.
Tajalik tried his best to stay close to William. The screams seemed to get
closer as Tajalik caught up to William. The two sprinted with thousands of
others running away from the abominable noise following behind them. The
screams of souls, echoed throughout the darkness, running from the predators
who were seeking to destroy them.
The two veered down another dark path. On
both sides of them were barren trees. It was so dark; the two were vaguely able
to see in front of them. They continued to run as they heard the screams of other
souls being picked off and tortured, by whatever creatures captured them.
Tajalik looked through the forest. Alongside the path, he thought he saw a
hill. He was only able to make it out because of its height in the background;
which towered over the trees. Suddenly he felt inclined to veer off the path.
Everyone running behind him seemed to be getting intercepted by their
attackers. It made sense to take the road less traveled. He turned and ran
through the forest of barren trees; leaving William to his own fate. He
continued to hear the cries of the other souls. It was unbearable. Tajalik
worked his way towards the hill; through the trees and thickets. As he ran, he
heard himself getting farther and farther away from the screams. He stumbled
and even ran head first into some branches that were unseen in the darkness. It
still did not stop him. Finally, he came to the forest’s end.
He was standing in a small field, just a
few yards from the base of the hill. He heard more branches rustling. He
continued to run again, fearing he was being chased by the creatures that
terrorized the dark. A figure emerged, running through the trees. Tajalik
continued to sprint towards the hill, as he got closer he spotted a crevice at
the base. It looked like a cave. With nowhere else to run, he headed straight
inside. He stopped in dead in his tracks at the sight of a group of boys
staring at him through black hoods. Tajalik became faint with fear. These were
the boys that he saw in his dream; following him down the long dark road. Their
unsettling stare terrified Tajalik even more. The figure that had been running
behind Tajalik now stood at the opening at the bottom of the hill.
“Who are you?” asked the figure.
“You’re new, huh?”
“What were those things?” Tajalik asked as
he backed himself against a side of the cave wall, where he could keep an eye
on the figure and the group of boys.
“It’s part of our sentence. Just don’t get
caught. If you do, it makes your after-life that much worse.”
“What the hell are you talking about, man?”
“Hell is precisely what I’m talking about;
Tajalik…Hell is precisely what I’m talking about…” The figure entered the cave
finally and began to approach Tajalik.
“…But the children of the kingdom will be
cast out into outer darkness: there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Matthew chapter eight, verse twelve. I bet you wish you believed now.
Don’t you?”
Tajalik looked at the figure as the figure
slowly approached him. Tajalik was baffled. It was another young boy in a hood.
He nodded towards the other boys.
“We’re all lost souls, man. I’m Lavelle. I
grew up in church. Had a mother and a grandmother who prayed for me
consistently. They made me go to church regularly, even had me memorize
scriptures from the Word. I had mentors who were constantly around me, telling
me what to do and what not to do. I didn't listen. I bucked authority because I
loved the street life. I made the choice to not listen to the information, not
to listen to the truth that was given to me. That’s the one thing that
separates us that dwell here and those that dwell in paradise. That’s the key;
Jesus Christ and the choices we make in life. I chose to rebuke the
information. So here I stand.”
“So what do we do?” asked Tajalik in
intense trepidation.
“We run and hide, Tajalik. It’s only a
matter of time before they come through those woods to seek us out. They know
this side of the gulf inside and out.”
About the author:

in South Florida’s Dade County and West Palm
Beach County public school systems respectively before moving to Los
Angeles, California in 2009.
native from Evanston, Illinois, a suburb that borders Chicago’s north
side, Champion developed a love for writing at a young age which carried
well into his adult years. After penning his first book in 2009 upon
his arrival to Los Angeles, Champion has gone on to write five more
books, which include the Young Adult fiction novels, Affiliated and Going Pro, both from The Lost Souls literary series. Champion also wrote Exiting The Wilderness and But He Said He Was A Christian, two nonfiction Christian self-help books. His latest book, Majesties of Canaan: The Goliath Project is
a Young Adult, super hero novel. It is the first book of many within
the Majesties of Canaan Superhero Series and the second book of The Dark
Spores Series where Champion has partnered with best-selling authors
Keshawn Dodds and Braxton Cosby to form the new superhero universe and
to collaboratively pen the upcoming superhero novel Infinity 7 due in early 2017.
of his love for writing, Champion, runs his own education consulting
company in Los Angeles where he continues to teach and tutor students.
In his free time, Champion focuses on fitness as he is a gym rat,
frequents movies, and enjoys spending time with his daughter Vanessa.
Contact Information
Website: www.chayilchampion.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/chayilchampion
Twitter: @chayilchampion
Blog: www.chayilchampion.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/DrChampion
Purchase Links
Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/Champion_BARNESandNOBLE
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