The Rakki representative decided he might address the King in
person, in private. His people had been asking him for almost a year now to
negotiate the return of their wizards from the Pale Labyrinth. He would be
returning home soon, and he wanted to at least go back with the knowledge that
he had tried everything he could.
Norl approached the throne and asked the
Chief of the Palace Guard for an audience with the King, as procedure dictated
that the Chief must escort any who ask for an audience. Chief Alex quickly agreed
and walked Norl back toward the King’s personal chambers. Few courtiers were
more respected or well known as Norl of the Rakki. He was wise, calm, humble,
and, above all, intelligent. The Palace Guards held him in high regard and
would often give him allowances not granted to others. In fact, Norl was
escorted to the King’s chambers. It was not customary for anyone to stand there
to wait. If the King was speaking with anyone else, the person waiting was
usually asked to wait by the throne until called upon. Not even the Guards
stood so near the King’s chamber doors, but Norl posed no threat to security,
and surely the King wouldn’t mind.
The dog man stood there quietly. Being a
courtier meant a lot of waiting and patience, which Norl demonstrated often. As
a Rakki, he had superior hearing over most humans or any of the other races.
Right then, this keen hearing picked up on the conversation within the King’s
chambers all too well. The King was speaking with Wizard Hallond. Norl
attempted to ignore the conversation for their benefit, but their words drew
his attention.
“Do you think we can keep them at bay for
much longer?” the King asked Hallond.
The wizard responded coolly, “Yes. By the
time they finally realize what is truly happening, it will be far too late.”
“The Shlan ambassador was in to see me a
day ago about freeing her people, and I’m sure the others will not be far
behind. Keeping up the pretense about the wizards is not easy,” the King
Hallond calmly replied, “History supports
our story. Wizards did dark deeds during the War. If it had not been for the
dragons, the dark wizards could have taken control of everything.”
“Are you sure this will work?” the King
asked the question as though he had asked it many times before.
“As sure as I am a wizard. Once we have the
Dragonwand and can finally destroy that horrible statue, my real students will
be able to put to rest all the pathetic leaders of the people and make you
supreme lord of all. Then, with the combined magic of all the prisoners, I can
finalize the spell that will grant you and all my followers immortality.”
“What of Tolen’s plans?”
Hallond’s response was quick and sharp.
“Tolen is dead, and with him died any possible resistance. I have waited for
over a thousand years for that old fool to die. I cannot say I did not try to
help him along a few times. How amazing that time itself finally did him in.”
“The dragon statue still stands and keeps
your powers at bay. Tolen’s statue should be dead if he is dead!” The King was
“Rest assured, My Lord, the statue’s seal
over me and my followers is waning quickly. Once we have the Dragonwand in our
possession, the statue will be rubble and a new age of Gallenor will rise.”
The King let out a tired sigh. “I don’t
know, Hallond. I’m still having second thoughts about all of this.”
Hallond put on the convincing tone that
politicians attain for such situations as the present. “Sire, you must not let
those foolish ideas enter your head. We are too far along with this to have
second thoughts. Besides, we are doing this for the good of the kingdom.”
“I know. But, it is just so many lies. We
have told the people of Gallenor nothing but lies for years now.”
Hallond comforted the King. “Is it not the
duty of every citizen of Gallenor to work for a better tomorrow?”
“Well, yes,” the King answered.
“You have no heir, and, pardon me, but at
your age, you are unlikely to produce an heir. So, my plan is the best thing
for our future. You will be granted immortality, along with a few others with
real power. Gallenor will have a leadership that will not age or die, and a
brighter future will be ahead. All it will cost are the lives of a few loyal
citizens of Gallenor.”
“Do we have to kill all of the wizards for
this?” When the King said this, Norl whimpered a little outside the door, but
it did not draw attention to him. The Rakki quickly covered his mouth and
though his tail was between his legs, he stayed to keep listening. He had to
hear this.
“I am afraid that it has to be.” Realizing
the King was in need of more convincing, Hallond asked a leading question.
“Would you not ask your soldiers to die for Gallenor?”
“Of course. But, this is different.”
“I don’t see how. Do not worry. In time,
the brilliance of this will truly sink in. Once you are granted immortality,
all the answers will be made perfectly clear. Trust me.”
The King asked the question that was on
Norl’s mind. “Won’t the people resist this once they find out the truth?”
Hallond calmly answered, “Have faith in me,
Sire. All will work out according to my plans.” He paused and then said, “I
think I hear someone.”
Norl’s ears perked up and he started to
step back. When he realized Hallond was approaching the door, he bolted.
Hallond opened the door to find exactly what he hoped: nothing. So, he returned
to the King, after making sure the door was securely closed.
Standing on the other side of a square
column, Norl’s heart was pounding and his breath was trembling. In all his
years of service to Gallenor and his people, he had never expected to hear such
hideous things. A deep part of him begged for it to be a dream—a terrible,
horrible dream. But, the reality was that it was no dream and he had to tell
someone. But who could he trust? He had to go home. He had to bring this to his
own leaders. The head of the Rakki people was a wise and honorable man. He
would know what to do next.
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About the author:

winning cook, artist, and embroiderer. He is a distinguished member of
the Sigma Alpha Iota, and often can be found teaching classes at his
church. Before he began seriously devoting himself to becoming a
published author, he spent over ten years traveling the country as a
member of the Miyagi Ryu Nosho Kai dance school, performing Okinawan
classic and modern dances.
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