I grasp the weapon in
my hand and throw it with all my might at him. The weapon makes a ‘tee hee’
sound as it hits his stomach.
“Did you just throw a
Pillsbury dough boy at me?” His voice carries a hint of humor. The Pillsbury
dough boy was probably not the best item to grab from the kitchen to use as a
weapon. Obviously, I’m totally losing it.
I inch backwards into
the kitchen searching for a more appropriate weapon. Dag nab it! The knives are way over on the other side. I have no
choice. Without taking my eyes of the man, I grab a perfectly formed and
probably fricking delicious muffin from the tin and throw it at the intruder. Apparently,
my fast ball needs some work as he just catches the muffin as if I merely
lobbed it in his direction. He smiles and, not bothering with the paper liner,
takes a huge bite.
“Mmmm…,” he groans
around a mouthful. “This is really good.”
“Seriously?” I throw
my arms in the air before planting my hands on my hips. “If you want my
muffins, just come to the bakery. You don’t have to break in.” Uh oh, I nearly
forgot that he broke in. I start backing up again, getting ever closer to those
The man’s eyes narrow
as he notices me shuffling my way towards the knives. He stalks me and, when
he’s only an arm’s length away, reaches around me and grabs the knife block. He
keeps his eyes steady on me as he places the block on top of the refrigerator.
Somewhere I can only reach if I get out my step ladder.
“Who are you? And what
are you doing here?” I may be terrified and my voice my stutter a bit, but I’m
not backing down. Not. One. Bit.
“You’re a feisty
little thing, aren’t you?”
“Who you calling
little?” Apparently, I have no regard for my safety at all as I’m now goading
an intruder.
The man chuckles. His
smile shows a perfect set of teeth. Huh, not exactly what I expected from Mr.
Piercings and Tattoos. “For a pink-haired pixie, you sure aren’t afraid, are
Review to come!
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