Saturday, September 18, 2010

Booking Through Thursday 9/16/10

  (Hosted by Booking Through Thursday)
This weeks question, suggested by Mae, asks:
“I couldn’t sleep a wink, so I just read and read, day and night … it was there I began to divide books into day books and night books,” she went on. “Really, there are books meant for daytime reading and books that can be read only at night.”
- "The Unbearable Lightness of Being", Milan Kundera, p. 103.
Do you divide your books into day and night reads? How do you decide?
Funny you should ask. I do most of my reading at night; before I go to bed. I guess the reason for that is get busy during the day and there is always so much to do. So I read for a couple (or more;) hours before I go to bed. The funny part about that, which I'm sure you all can attest-iffy to, is at times I dream about what I have read. And I have had some weird dreams!
When I was in school, especially high school, we took the transit to school and i used that time to read. I can't read while on transit anymore because I'm too busy holding my daughter while hubby holds the stroller though. So my time to read is at night, when daughter is sleeping and all is quiet:)

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