Saturday, October 16, 2010

Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado Review

Outlive Your Life: You Were Made To Make a Difference by Max Lucado

Throughout this entire book, Outlive Your Life, Max teaches us through examples that happened not only in his own life, but of others he has spoken to and interview; and examples in the Bible, how to live as a disciple and how to challenge ourselves outside of our comfort zone. 
He teaches us not to make a theater production of our faith (page 93). He tells us to ask ourselves these questions: If no one knew of the good I do, would I still do it? (page 93). If your planning on doing a good deed, are you doing it to get brownie points? To be seen doing a nice thing? Are you expecting recognition? If so, that's not an honest good deed.
At times, even though I fully enjoyed the book and learned a lot from reading it, I found myself bored at times. I felt as though Max Lucado was too wordy and/or gave one too many examples to get his point across and found myself thinking, get to the point already! Or, OK, I got the picture, move on.
But that did only happen a few times in the book and I'm glad for it. The rest of the time, I couldn't wait to get back to this read. Lucado really pulled me in and intrigued me. I couldn't wait to get back to this book and see what Max Lucado would say about being a disciple, a servant, a blessing to others without expecting recognition or even a thank you, a helper.
I also enjoyed how the book was set up. The entire book teaches one specific lesson: You were made to make a difference. Then the book is broken down into chapters to break the main lesson into parts so you get a step by step on how to be a disciple, a helper, God's servant. Max Lucado makes it easy with his book to really understand how to be a good disciple of Christ, how to be a servant, a blessing to any and all you see. No matter the color of their skin, their origin, their religion, what language they speak. He breaks it down so you know how to apply it to your life. But he also warns you that their will be prosecution from people and how to prepare for that.
The fact that he always used scriptures to back up what he was saying and where to find them was great and helpful so you could look it up yourself. And he uses all sorts of biblical translations like, NLT, CEV, KJV and more.
All in all, this book was and is very inspiring to do good without credit being the first thought; to make sure to do good without a big show or without expecting a big show or any show at all. But just because. I would definitely recommend this read.

                                                             I received my copy of this book for review from

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