Tuesday, December 15, 2020

#ReleasedBlitz #Giveaway The Collectors by Greg Jolley



Suspense, Thriller

Date Published: December 15,2020

Publisher: BHC Press

Pierce Danser is on the hunt for his soon-to-be ex-wife, the actress Pauline Place, who’s disappeared from the Black Island film set in the heat swarmed waters off the Mexican coast. A wealthy “collector” with a black heart and dangerous, evil mind has kidnapped her, planning a forced marriage to complete his manage of twisted museum pieces.

As Pierce starts down the winding, dark, and deadly path in pursuit, his journey is a roller coaster through a horror show. No matter the grisly and dangerous obstacles, he is determined to rescue Pauline, even if it means the loss of his own life. The clock is ticking, his resources are slim and he’s up against a man of great means as well as a twisted, cruel vision.

About the Author

Greg Jolley earned a Master of Arts in Writing from the University of San Francisco and lives in the very small town of Ormond Beach, Florida. When not writing, he researches historical crime, primarily those of the 1800s. Or goes surfing.

Contact Links




Twitter: @gfjolle




YouTube (book trailers)

Purchase Links


Barnes and Noble



a Rafflecopter giveaway

RABT Book Tours & PR

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

#ReleaseBlitz #Giveaway Beggars at the Door of God's Mercy by Dr. Joseph Guy


Christian Non-fiction

Date Published: December 8th, 2020

Publisher: Open Arms Community Church Media Division

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Have you ever wondered why God loves us so much? Does the idea of Salvation seem foreign to you? In this powerful book, Dr. Joseph Guy explains what living the Christian life is all about. The law given to Moses was never meant to save us; it was only meant to guard us until such a time as God chose to introduce the concept of grace into the world through His Son Jesus Christ. What the law could not accomplish, grace could. Humanity is simply beggars at the door of God's mercy, we do not deserve His love, yet He lavishes it upon us. Grace is the agent that God employs to express His divine love to all humanity. Instead of living according to the law, God calls us to live according to His grace. The Christian life is more than just reading your Bible, praying, and going to church; it is a style of living, not an act of living. When we open our hearts and accept God's grace, we are abandoning the law's demands for a lifestyle patterned after God's Son Jesus Christ. Grace is the miracle of God that changes everything.

About the Author

Dr. Joseph Guy will earn his Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership in 2021 after completing his Master of Theology in 2020. He is the former Lead Pastor of Open Arms Community Church and current President of the Joseph Guy International Ministries. In 2020 he became the host of the international podcast "The Sunday Hour with Pastor Joseph." In his spare time, he enjoys reading and being outdoors.

Contact Links



Twitter: @openarmslv


Purchase Links


eBook Link


RABT Book Tours & PR

Monday, August 17, 2020

#Giveaway The Wars Among The Paines by John M. Millar

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. John M. Millar will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Spanning over 200 years of American military history, “The Wars Among the Paines” (Koehler Books, September 30, 2020), tells the complex story of a family defined by war, accounting in vivid detail its toll in blood, treasure, and emotional turmoil. Nearly 50 years in the making, “The Wars Among the Paines” is the debut novel by Vietnam veteran John M. Millar, who tells a story that illustrates how the consequences of America's foreign wars escape the boundaries of the front lines, and ripple through generations of families, friends, politics, and the lives of we the people.

Read an Excerpt


Versailles was our first stop on the tour that Michelle had laid out. Because of my possible military service in the future, we avoided any of the communist countries. We chose to start in Italy after our trip to Versailles. The European railroad system was amazing for how quickly we got to our destinations. We took the overnight train to Naples, Italy, and then worked our way west through Italy. Our next stop was Rome for three days, Siena for two days, Florence for three days, Venice for a wonderful week, and finally for three days at Lake Como. We then traveled up to Switzerland, staying only a day each in Zurich, Lucerne, Bern, and Geneva.

Even after twenty-two years, Michelle would not go to Austria and Germany. To the French, those nations were still anathema for their actions in World War II. She preferred what she called the “romance countries” of Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal. Our next stop was Cannes then on to Aix-en-Provence, north of Marseilles. The next part of Tour Michelle was to Spain with several days in Barcelona and Madrid. We then spent three days in Lisbon, Portugal, before moving on to Andorra in the Pyrenees Mountains. Our last days of the tour were in the wine region of Bordeaux and then back to Paris.

When I looked back on those over forty days of touring, I realized this was a farewell tour for us. We traveled first class on the trains, stayed at the best hotels, ate at the best restaurants, and made love passionately at every stop. I did not realize it at the time, but Michelle knew she was never leaving France again. That meant the likelihood of us marrying and settling in France were remote. Whatever path I took when I arrived back in the States, neither one was likely to lead me back to France and her.

This whirlwind summer tour was meant to keep us from thinking about this reality. It accomplished that for me. I would always remember it as a joyous summer with a touch of sadness. When we arrived in Paris, we stayed at a hotel near Orly Airport, from which I would be leaving in two days. There was much holding, kissing, lovemaking, and crying for those two days. I told her I had not made up my mind about whether to go to law school or Vietnam. I would call her first about my decision. Michelle did not come to see me off because she thought she would break down. I thought that was best because I knew I would break down.

About the Author:
John M. Millar has no traditional experience in writing a novel. “The Wars Among the Paines” is a result of a fifty-year process since returning from Vietnam in 1969. Millar grew up in Central Pennsylvania; and graduated from Cornell University in 1966. He served in the U.S. Army from 1966-1969; graduated from Officer Candidate School in July 1967; served as a First Lieutenant with the First Infantry Division in Vietnam in 1968 and 1969; and received two Bronze Stars, an Air Medal and a Commendation Medal from the U.S. Army. From the Vietnam government, Millar received the Vietnamese Honor Medal and the Vietnamese Gallantry Cross for joint operations. He graduated from the Darden Graduate Business School, University of Virginia with a MBA in 1972. For the past forty-five years, he has served in senior executive positions in the department store, regional mall REITs and mixed-use town center development industries.

#Giveaway The Descendant by Melissa Riddell

GENRE:   Sci-Fy Romance


She wants her world back; he wants her heart.

Tilly Morgan and her four-legged companion, Kodiak, are just trying to survive the alien arrival. Two years ago, the visitors unleashed devastation—a world-wide EMP followed by a deadly virus that wiped out more than half of humanity.

Traversing the lonely landscape, she runs into an alien on patrol with one order: eradicate all human life. A mysterious, dark-haired stranger named Jareth comes to her aid, and she reluctantly allows him to join her quest to find her sister. He even persuades her to let the damaged alien tag along against her better judgment.

As her group travels the desolate world and inches closer to her goal, she’s forced to examine her unwanted feelings for Jareth and come to terms with her heart, even if the truth threatens to destroy her and everything she’s come to believe.


His eyes crinkle. “Hmm.” He lets go of my shoulders and continues cleaning the cut, then blows on it to speed up the drying process.

The way his lips open and the feel of warm air—his exhalation—on my skin causes me to clamp my teeth together. His breath smells like cinnamon, and that full bottom lip looks way too enticing.

I hide a shiver. “Would you stop that?”

“Stop what?”

Unable to bring myself to say blowing on me, I flap a hand near his mouth. “That.”

He frowns for a moment, then tips his head back. “Oh, you mean this?” He leans forward, keeping his eyes locked to mine, and pushes air through his lips, as if daring me to say something.

“Yeah. That.” My voice sounds uneven.

His words are pure silk. “Why? Does it turn you on?”

“What?” I push at his chest, but he’s about as movable as Mount Rushmore. “God, no. Your breath smells like you’ve been eating dog food, and it makes me want to hurl.”

Dropping his hands, he pulls back with a frown and looks like he wants to exhale into a palm and sniff.

I stifle a giggle. Yeah, I’m a butt, but the comment knocks him off his sexy game and gives me a chance to collect my wits.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Melissa Riddell is from a small, West Texas town in which she still lives with her husband. Her writing career started as a hobby when she was a teenager, writing poems and short stories. Eventually, she branched out and began constructing novels. When not contemplating new story ideas, she can be found traipsing around Texas State Parks, herding her cats, or reading a book.

You can follow her on several different social media platforms below:

Facebook: facebook.com/melcriddell
Twitter: twitter.com/MelCRiddell
Instagram: instagram.com/averela
Goodreads: goodreads.com/melcriddell

Amazon buy link:

The book will be $0.99 during the tour.

Author Interview:
Where do you get your ideas?
People ask me this all the time, and most of my ideas come from out of the blue, or are inspired by music or videogames.
What is the first book that made you cry?
Hmm, I think it was probably Old Yeller. Man, I remember reading it when I was either in fourth or fifth grade, and bawling my eyes out but trying not to look like I was crying. I think that teacher was a sadist.
Do you find it easier to write character and dialogue for the opposite sex because you are the opposite sex? (A woman writing a man’s part and dialogue for example).
I don’t usually think about the gender when I’m writing dialogue. I base it on the character’s inner trials and don’t feel gender plays a big role in how someone feels. Emotions are emotions, regardless.
What is your writing Kryptonite?
Facebook! I can waste a good hour browsing the news feed, checking groups, or just goofing off in general.

Have you ever gotten reader’s block?
Yes, well, more precisely, reader’s hangover, where I’m still living in a character’s world or so scarred by a traumatic death I can’t possibly pick up a new book for a few days. Yeah, Veronica Roth, I’m looking at you…
How did publishing your first book change your process of writing, if at all?
Being picked up by DLG Publishing Partners was the best thing to ever happen to my writing. Their Senior Editor, Michelle, took me under her wing and taught me so much knowledge. I wouldn’t be the writer I am today without her help. She’s also a top-notch writer, so she wears many hats and knows how hard the writing world can be.
What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?
Research does not consume my writing. I ensure I get details correct, or that I don’t blunder with past events, but I try to avoid too much research. That’s why I don’t touch historical romance. Now, with sci-fi romance, I try to keep the sci-fi soft, but I still double-check my knowledge of astronomy, biology, and advances in genetics and such. If I’m going to reference real-world concepts or things, I have to be prepared 


Melissa Riddell will giveaway to randomly drawn winners via Rafflecopter a $10 Amazon/BN GC, a signed copy of The Descendant (book 1), or an ARC of the second book in the series.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

#Giveaway Nick Bancroft Mystery Series by Bob Liter

GENRE: Romantic Mystery/Suspense



When a sexy nudist hires him to protect her from whoever is threatening her life, Nick Bancroft becomes the target. Someone tries to burn him alive, beats the hell out of him, and, since that didn't run him off, uses him for target practice. Meanwhile, two people are murdered, Nick's true love, Maggie Atley, is more than somewhat perturbed by his relationship with his client, and a mysterious club seems to hold the answer. Nick survives an exciting but still losing season by his beloved Chicago Cubs, a vicious attack by a couple of huge dogs, and eventually puts the finger on the bad guys.

Nick Bancroft Mysteries, written by Bob Liter

I'm an ex-newspaper a reporter who inherited a run-down, one-man detective agency. My name is Nick Bancroft. I used to do investigation work occasionally for a friend Jimmy Jackson, who left me the business and stuck me with an office on the top floor of an old building in the wrong end of town.

I would have refused the inheritance, but I was sick of working where news had been converted to entertainment. And, besides, Jimmy had paid six months’ rent in advance for the office with a small apartment attached. Since I inherited the business I have helped solve a murder and got some press as a result.

In a small town like Centrel City, you can find bribery, graft, kickbacks, political influence peddling, criminal cover-ups, and sometimes murder. Now when I get involved in a case, there usually is a story I can sell to the upstate Chicago Times. I didn't expect to make a living as a private investigator and freelance reporter, but I was wrong ... sort of. It beats making money for someone else and it leaves time for my almost favorite sport of bowling and my passion for the Chicago Cubs.

It’s all in a day’s work; I can be tough enough when I have to be. On the other hand, I can be soft for the ladies, especially for an on-again-off-again lover, Maggie Atley. Nothing is ever as it seems and I don’t quit until I find the answers. My name is Nick Bancroft.

Blurb – Book One

Murder by the Book, written by Bob Liter

Nick Bancroft inherits a rundown detective agency and embarks on a new career as a hard-boiled detective. When date rape drugs show up in Centrel City, so does reporter Nick Bancroft. The drugs are discovered at two different murders with sex etiquette books left at the scenes. Nick is hired by the first victim’s father, Ramsey Sinclair, to find the killer. A Chicago detective, Miss Faustine, is also hired by Mr. Sinclair to work “closely” with Bancroft. His focus is interrupted when he begins a love affair with the receptionist, Maggie Atley, from a neighboring office.

Bancroft is banking on solving the murders and selling the story to the Chicago Times. As the case unfolds there is enough danger, drama, and deception to fill a book. Nick finds few things are as they seem and in his enthusiasm, he becomes the target of a shooter and also the target of charming Maggie Atley’s affections.

Blurb #2 - Book 2

August is Murder, written by Bob Liter

A sexy nudist hires Nick Bancroft to defend her from threats on her life; Nick volunteers to provide 24-hour protection. Now, he is the target and August becomes even hotter when someone tries to burn him alive. Nick is not one to turn tail and run, especially now with two murders and Lady Godiva to protect. Nick's true love, second only to the Cubs and bowling, Maggie Atley, is more than somewhat perturbed by the arrangement with his beautiful client.
After weeks of the investigation, there are still unanswered questions. Who are the bad guys? What does a mysterious club have to do with the murders? Can Nick survive another losing season by his beloved Chicago Cubs? Is this the last inning for Nick and Maggie?

Blurb #3 – Book 3

Death Sting, written by Bob Liter

After an intimate breakfast together, while reading the paper to Maggie, Nick is baffled by a headline: Female Body Found Covered with Stings: The Sheriff Calls the Death an Accident. Free-lance reporter and private detective, Nick Bancroft, doesn’t believe it and is drawn to the case like a bee to honey. He learns the victim lived in a home for young unwed mothers who work as waitresses and hookers at a nightclub.

 Murder suspects include an alcoholic handyman, the man and wife who operate the home, a nightclub operator and his henchman, and a sheriff's deputy. Everyone is trying to stop Nick’s investigation, including federal agents.

Even when he and his earthy lover Maggie survive being dumped in a deep lake with weights tied to their ankles, Bancroft is unwavering in his pursuit of the truth. Will Maggie and Nick’s romance sink or swim before the case is solved?

Blurb #4 – Book 4

Point of Murder, written by Bob Liter

Nick Bancroft, a former investigative reporter, enjoys a mundane existence in Centrel City operating a one-man detective agency. He supplements his pauper’s wages selling news stories to the Chicago Times. In a small apartment, Nick and his roommate Maggie, share frivolous romantic lovemaking and the responsibility of feeding a stray cat that adopted them. On the surface, it seems picture-perfect.
The bed of roses ends abruptly when Nick’s destitute young friend, Bobby Scalf, is found murdered with a blunt six-inch spike in his head. Nick becomes a suspect when the second murder victim is discovered in the abandoned building where the boy lived.

While Nick tries to find out who killed the boy, he uncovers a web of corruption involving the town council, the school board, the police chief and the local newspaper publisher. Nick survives several attempts on his life, and that of his stormy lover, before nailing the killer and exposing the town's secrets. Solving the town’s problems may not be enough to solve the problems festering between Maggie and Nick. Is it really over?

Blurb #5 – Book 5

And the Band Played On, written by Bob Liter

Freelance reporter and sometime private detective, Nick Bancroft, is tough enough when he has to be. On the other hand, he can be soft for the ladies. That's how he ends up at an outdoor band concert, with Maggie, a librarian, divorcee, and his very talented lover. Nick is front row center to witness the murder of a well-connected private secretary of an important political figure.

It doesn't earn him any points with the cops that he is on the scene before them, and it doesn't earn him any points with certain influential politicians that he won't get off the case. Not only is Nick drawn into the dirty details of the crime, someone is trying to kill him. During the investigation, Maggie and Nick come face to face with the events surrounding 9-11. Will the final case break their spirits and crumble their love, or will they emerge stronger and committed to a life together?


Death Sting, A Nick Bancroft Mystery - Book 3

She marked her place in the magazine with one of my latest past due bills, put the magazine down, lifted her coffee cup and sipped.

"Yes. Don't you find it intriguing that a woman was found dead practically outside our door with bee stings all over her body?"

Maggie pushed light brown hair from her forehead and sighed.

"Intriguing, yes, and I know what you're thinking," she said.

"You always think you know what I'm thinking."

She put her elbows on the table, held the cup in both hands and smiled that knowing smile I loved.

"You're thinking there's a story in this you can sell to the Chicago Times. You're planning right now to start an investigation into this bee-sting thing and neglect the work that brings in steady money, work that pays the bills. Right, Nick? It's your business, of course, but you need money."

When we first met I was thinking I would like to get in her pants – to coin a phrase – and her heavenly blue eyes, sparkling with amusement, told me she read my thoughts. Instead of pretending to be offended, she smiled.

Now I admired her freshly scrubbed face. She was a knockout when her hair was teased into a semblance of obedience, and she wore that eye shadow stuff. But at breakfast, with tousled hair and freckles on her checks unhidden by makeup, she was woman.

She was right about my plans to pursue the story. "Well, why not?" I said. "There surely is more to the story than what they've printed here."

Author Interview

Any weird things you do when you’re alone?
          Even if someone is in the house with me, one weird thing I do is make sure the 2-way light switches in the center of the house all match. When the switches are down, the hall light and the two lights in the kitchen are off. Even if it means going to the end of the hall, flipping on the light, and returning to the center switch so I can have the switch down and light off. The other weird thing is I don’t like clothes. I am usually alone when I run around the house naked all day.
What is your favorite quote and why?
          My favorite quote is "Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future; faith is the courage to dance to it today." Peter Kuzmic.  I take from the quote: SEE now the possibilities of what may come and BELIEVE strongly enough in the possibilities to walk, move, DANCE toward them.
Who is your favorite author and why?
          Not surprisingly my favorite author is my dad. I just recently became an avid reader and for the first time became interested in writing. I hope the books I write will have as much meaning to my children as dad’s books have meant to me. It is an exciting way to leave a legacy and have some fun.
What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?
          With regard to the mystery genre I enjoy plausibility, coherent plotting and interesting dialogue similar to the way people speak in the real world. Of course I want surprises. If the writer shows me the inner workings of a character I can relate to and the potential of the character I am hooked.
Where did you get the ideas for this book series?
          I speculate dad’s ideas came from places and people he knew. Detective and Investigative reporter Bancroft’s fictional escapades occasionally mirror Peoria, IL (called Centrel City), from citing the old Town and County Lanes to yet another losing season for the Cubs. It is appropriate since Bob Liter was a reporter and copy editor for the local paper and a competitive bowler as well as an avid golfer and gardener, and fan of the Bears and Cubs.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Robert T “Bob” Liter (1923-2008) was born in Hartley, IA to Charles and Hazel Liter and grew up in Des Moines, IA.  His sisters June and JoAnn, joined the family before the decade was over. Bob was a U.S. Navy veteran, and was honorably discharged after two tours of duty, one tour in World War II and the other tour in the Korean War. A Graduate from Drake University in Des Moines, IA, he earned his degree in journalism, and married Lillian in 1950.

What Happened Next

I came along 9 months later; my name is Martie. I was soon followed by my sister Jeannie and two brothers, Jeff and Ron.

Later in Dad's journalism career he worked as a copy editor for the Peoria Journal Star, Peoria, IL until his retirement. Through the years he was also a writer. Early in his sideline career he was published in various True Confession magazines. When Dad retired to take care of Mom he continued to pursue his passion for writing. Much of his work has been available since 2002 in EBook format.

First Five Novels Available On Amazon NOW

It is my honor to introduce new readers to the Bancroft Mysteries where the character Nick Bancroft has an uncanny resemblance to my Dad, Bob Liter with his wit and bodacious gutsy approach to life.  Then there is Nick’s on-again off-again lady, Maggie Atley, who is just like Mom, Lillian Liter, in the way she deals with a self-proclaimed “male chauvinist piggy.”

While Nick solves mysteries in the fictitious, but very real, community of Central City, IL he still finds time for his love-hate relationship with bowling, and his avid undying passion for the Chicago Cubs and Bears.

Website: http://www.BancroftMysteries.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BancroftMysteries
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BancroftMyster1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bancroftmysteries/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/BancroftMysteries/
Author Page on Amazon: http://www.bit.ly/BobLiter (This sends a reader to where all the Buy Links Are)


One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/BN.com gift card.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

#Giveaway Our Friendship Matters by Kimberley B. Jones

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kimberley B. Jones will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Leah and Sasha are 17-year-old friends who had been close to one another since elementary school, but as the summer approaches they find their friendship tested in ways they never anticipated.

Following graduation, Sasha’s privileged life and perception of the world around her is suddenly altered when an old childhood friend persuades her to join in a campaign against an injustice after his best friend is killed by a cop.

But joining the protest has unforeseen consequences for Sasha, distancing her from Leah, who becomes jealous of Sasha’s new friends and finds herself on the opposing side, protesting alongside her group of new white friends.

As the tension mounts between the two bitterly opposed factions, a tragedy strikes and threatens to make Sasha and Leah enemies. Can they find a way to resolve their differences, putting them to the side and learn to accept each other’s viewpoints? Or is their long friendship finished for good?

Read an Excerpt

As we pulled out of the driveway, Dad waved goodbye. I could picture the smile on his face once he walked into the house and noticed Mom was cooking lasagna.

“So, how is the public-school life at Eastview High?” I asked Ricardo. “Other than Chester beating your guys in sports.”

 “Ya’ll just have better resources than us,” Ricardo said.

“How come we couldn’t just be good at what we do?”

“What! Anyway . . . Eastview is great, I guess, but we are dealing with some issues. It’s our senior year and I am just thinking about leaving this place.”

“Why would you want to leave?”

“Because I feel trapped in a box. Everywhere I go, I feel like a suspect.”

“A suspect, what makes you think that? You shouldn’t feel like that,” I said as my brow lifted from his response.

“Yeah, I know you wouldn’t understand because you go to this perfect private school and stay in this big, beautiful house.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m sorry. Just drop me off at the next block. I got it from there.”

I pulled to the curb and, as Ricardo got out of the car, he leaned against the closed door—with half his body leaning over the window—and said, “Wake up and find out who you really are.”

I squinted my eyes, “Okay.” I drove off. Why would he say such a thing to me?

About the Author:
Kimberley is a professional early childhood educator. She was born in the small town of Saint George, South Carolina, on September 12, 1982. Graduated from Woodland High School in 2000, Benedict College in 2004 with B.S., Child & Family Development, and from Ashford University in 2013 with a Masters in Early Childhood Education.

After receiving her education and being a military spouse, she held several jobs as a preschool teacher and a preschool director, but she wanted to her education to use by writing children’s books. She wrote her first book in college for her children’s literature course. She has self-published several children books on Amazon.

Currently, she is branching off into writing fiction YA, NA, and A novels on issues in society. She loves writing and would not change it for nothing in this world She is now published by Rhetoric Askew. Kimberley is the author of Our Friendship Matters.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

#Giveaway Duty Bound Duet by Sydney Jamesson

GENRE: Psychological suspense



On her death bed Emily Derbyshire’s mother made her promise to take good care of her little sister. Keeping her promise, twelve year old Emily did exactly that and became five year old Rita’s benefactor and bodyguard.

After eighteen years of sisterly devotion Emily receives some shocking news! Rita has committed suicide. When disturbing details start to surface, Emily puts her highflying career on hold to seek out those responsible. She hires an American private investigator Robert Blackmoor; a motorbike riding, no-frills, computer hacker who will use any means necessary to unearth the truth.

Not surprisingly, Robert uncovers secrets from Emily’s troubled childhood and chips away at the glossy veneer of deceit which masks the truth behind, not only Rita’s life, but Emily’s imperfect life too.

Together they assemble the pieces of a sinister puzzle, revealing a cruel and corrupt world of exploitation and murder: a Dark Web into which Rita has become entangled.

As dark forces encircling Emily tighten their grip, and with everything to lose, she must make a life and death decision that she may live to regret.


Emily Parsons is a product of a difficult childhood: self-reliant, fiercely protective and willing to do whatever it takes to safeguard the wellbeing of those in her care. She has even slayed a monster, or two … or three in the name of poetic justice, and yet she is haunted by the image of a beautiful blond girl.

Sixteen-year-old Louise Travis has been abducted.

Louise’ fate rested in Emily’s hands, but she let her slip through her fingers like gold dust, only to be swept away by a malevolent band of brothers.

By once again enlisting the help of computer hacker, Robert Blackmoor, Emily must find Louise before she is lost forever in a Dark Web of heinous crimes, cruelty and corruption. The clock is ticking, and Emily’s investigation is drawing the wrong kind of attention, but she will not back down. She is duty bound to protect those she loves.

With skeletons from her past being unearthed, who can she turn to, and who can she trust with her own sinister secrets?


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Sydney Jamesson is a USA Today bestselling author by night and an English teacher by day. She is nocturnal by nature and loves nothing more than staying up late, listening to music and being inspired to write. She has always written creatively; in her home is one enormous wastepaper basket full of discarded phrases, opening lines and pieces of dialogue that have hit her like lightning in the middle of the night. Her USA Today bestselling trilogy, THE STORY OF US sold worldwide, and she has been thrilled to continue Ayden Stone's and Beth Parker's epic love story in The Story of Us Series: Into the Blue, featuring Blue Genes, Blue Hearts and Blue Moon.

More recently, Sydney has focused on psychological suspense. THE DARKEST CORNERS was her first venture into the new genre: a complex love story filled with lots of angst, emotional scenes and edge of your seat suspense as a single father and a troubled young woman confront their deepest, darkest fears together. The twists come think and fast and the ending is unforgettable!

In her latest novels, DUTY OF CARE and THE CARETAKERS - THE DUTY BOUND DUET -readers explore the seedier side of the Dark Web; witness abduction, human trafficking, and a devoted sister’s willingness to do whatever it takes to safeguard the wellbeing of those in her care. It’s a real page turner, filled with incidents which are heart-breaking and heart-stopping in equal measure!

Author platforms:

Website:          https://www.sydneyjamesson.com/
Facebook:       https://www.facebook.com/Sydney-Jamesson-516585008400062/
Twitter:            https://twitter.com/SydneyJamesson
Goodreads:     https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7074207.Sydney_Jamesson      
Instagram:       https://www.instagram.com/jamessonauthor/
