Upheld: Ordinary women discovering an Extraordinary God

First as a newlywed and then as a young mother, Rebekah awakens to the daily light that comes from realizing how often and simply the Lord touches her life. Jeni nurtures a child with special needs and learns that strength and support are only a prayer away. Elizabeth forges a new path towards renewal and regeneration after she exits the roller coaster ride of her spouse’s addiction. Faith discovers the beauty of reminders from a loving Heavenly Father that she has worth and the precious gift of agency. Dawn opens her mind to the understanding that no matter what happens peace can abound and everything will work out.
In Upheld: Ordinary women discovering an Extraordinary God we invite you to walk with us, explore the nooks and crannies of life, and have joy in the knowledge that you are not forgotten. As you read, we hope you will also discover God upholding you in your own life.

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Five women have joined together under the pen name, Grace Lane, to write about their personal experiences in hopes to inspire and uplift others. The following character sketches will give you a little insight about each author.





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This was a relatively quick and somewhat easy (somewhat meaning there are emotional parts within the stories that other women can relate to) read for the most part. These stories were inspirational and uplifting; especially for women of faith/religion, but the stories are inspirational to anyone who reads these collection of stories. I related to a couple of the stories myself, for example, I have (what I now know is ) a rainbow baby. Although she's no baby anymore at almost 9 years old. The stories rejuvenate your faith in God and trusting that it will work out as long as. The stories are real, personable, and touching. I enjoyed reading each of the stories. They read as though you are sitting down with these women over a cup of coffee at Starbucks. I appreciated the uniqueness of each story yet, each story reminds us to believe, have faith, and that 'it isn't all about us'. I truly enjoyed this book a lot more than I expected to.
I definitely recommend this book to everyone.
I definitely recommend this book to everyone.
Author Interview with Elizabeth:
1 - What got you into writing?
1. Journal writing taught me the power of words. Writing words on paper does wonders for my heart. I can let go of feelings that need to be released, and fill that cavern inside with words of resolution and hope. When I feel something profound, and follow it by writing it down- there’s something powerful about writing it and seeing it simultaneously imbedded it into my soul. I learn as I write. I sort and decipher and draw conclusions as my pen moves. It’s healing and it’s a record of my perfectly imperfect journey.
2 - What message would you like your story to leave with the reader?
2. When I was struggling in my marriage to an addict, there was no one in the same situation who was willing to talk about it with me. It was so private. Too private. I needed to know I wasn’t alone on my struggle. I needed someone to give me hope and tell me I would laugh again. But I was an island. Through my divorce my journal became a major outlet for me. It was through this journal keeping and other ah-hah moments sent by God that gave me a conviction to be a voice for those that are struggling alone, that feel like an island. I want them to know they are not alone! I was there. I am here. You can do it. You will survive. And you are a strong, resilient, beautiful soul......and you will laugh again. Keep hoping. Keep praying. There is happiness yet to be had. That's part of my message. The other part of my message is that God loves the one. He loves the island. He loves us for the hot mess we are. He loves us especially in our struggle. He loves me and he loved me so much He allows me to suffer. And in my suffering I have grown to reach for Him. If there is one who understands suffering- He knows it. And if this is true, and if I truly desire to become like Him, would he rob me of the lessons taught through suffering??? Could I enter heaven and rub shoulders with the great people who gave their all through great sacrifice and tribulation and think I am deserving of their glory if I had escaped all heartache and soul-wrenching? I have learned there is purpose in suffering. In fact I think it’s not far off to state that suffering saves our soul from thinking we don’t need God. And suffering teaches us how deeply He must love us if he volunteered to suffer for on our behalf. God is kind. And God loves the one.
3 - What advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
3. My advice to aspiring authors is make your Mess your Message. The world needs your story. The world needs you. Don’t hide your mess because it’s imperfection. Make your mess your message!
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